Hudson Reporter Archive

St. Pat’s offenders should do community service

Dear Editor:
Recently, the Hoboken Chief of Police Anthony Falco wrote a letter concerning the St. Pat’s activities and the conduct of those who celebrate this event. He clearly stated the zero tolerance policy in Hoboken. Listed were the fines and the possibility of community service for each infraction. I believe that fines are a wonderful place to start. A little less cash in anyone’s pocket hurts, but I believe Hoboken would be well served by also receiving community service hours.
Think about the trickledown effect:
1. Party in Hoboken
2. Break the law in Hoboken
3. Pay a fine in Hoboken
4. Do community service in Hoboken on a beautiful sunny day in June.
I have lived in the not-so-pretty Third Ward for seven months. It is a crime the litter, dog doo, discarded personal items, weeds and the general condition of this ward. I say give every offender community service hours, use the free labor to clean up our streets. Then we will see how soon partiers from other cities and towns like to attend this event when they realize if caught offending they will pay out of pocket along with some well-deserved and much-needed clean up of our community. Send them to the Third Ward! I personally would supervise a group in the Third Ward to clean up our neighborhood. Money in the bank, and some sunny day labor is just the medicine to help cure the St. Pat’s Day Hangover!
Lets all work together for a cleaner Hoboken! Irish and proud of it!

Kathy Kerch

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