Hudson Reporter Archive

Eviction of disabled vet postponed

Eviction proceedings brought by the North Bergen Housing Authority against a disabled Desert Storm veteran and his wife that were scheduled for landlord-tenant court this week have been postponed pending the results of additional investigation into the matter, which drew widespread media attention last week.
On Wednesday afternoon, a local newspaper wrote about how Page Vassallo and her husband Sean, a former Marine and veteran of Desert Storm who was paralyzed in a car accident, were facing eviction from their apartment in public housing. Soon other news media, including CBS News, picked up the story.


“Why did residents object to this guy being in the building?” – Paul Swibinski

According to the reports, Page Vassallo relies on the combined help of a home health aide, nurse, and a friend to help with Sean, who has a catheter and feeding tube. She said she needs all the help she can get, since there is no one else to help lift, bathe, and take care of him.
The authority began eviction proceedings claiming her friend, Gary Danchise, who she said slept over a few days a week to help, was living illegally in the apartment. They cited federal law saying all occupants of federal public housing must be on the lease.
Danchise has said he lives in Secaucus, according to reports.
Housing Authority spokesperson Paul Swibinski said building residents urged the authority to investigate the Vassallos because of Danchise. He said that the authority never had an issue with a nurse or home health aide being present.
Last week, Swibinski said that according to the New Jersey Department of Corrections, Danchise spent time in prison.
“One of the puzzling things in this story is, why did residents complain to the housing authority about this?” asked Swibinski. “Why did residents object to this guy being in the building?”
Although the eviction had begun and were slated for landlord-tenant court date this week, Swibinski said that since learning of Danchise’s police record, the proceedings have been suspended pending the results of additional investigation.

His record

According to the New Jersey Department of Corrections’ website, Gary Danchise, 55, was incarcerated in the Hudson County Corrections Facility from Jan. 14 to Aug. 10, 2005 for one count of conspiracy and possession of a controlled dangerous substance.
“This man should not be anywhere near housing,” said Swibinski.
Swibinski said that over the summer of 2010, residents approached housing authority officials and complained that Danchise was living in the Terrace Apartments at 6800 Columbia Ave.
Under federal housing laws it is illegal for anyone not on the lease to stay overnight for more than 14 days in a year. The authority conducted a three-month investigation in early November using video surveillance and determined that Danchise was allegedly living there, said Swibinski.
He said the authority cannot pick and choose which laws it wants to enforce. He called the pending eviction of a disabled war veteran “unfortunate.”
According to the federal Standards for Public Housing Authority tenants, housing authorities can “screen out and deny admission to certain applicants with unfavorable criminal histories,” as well as those who have a history of disturbing their neighbors.
Swibinski said that they contacted the Vassallos three times through certified mail but never got a response.
However, in published reports, Page Vassallo claims she had tried to contact them since Feb. 1 without a response back.
Phone calls to the Vasallos’ attorney, Mario Blanch, were not returned in time for publication.
Swibinski said that recently, residents have claimed that Danchise has been staying in the Vasallos’ apartment even though Sean is currently in the hospital. He said that at this time, it is just an allegation that needs to be investigated further. He did not know how long Sean has been in the hospital since it was an issue of privacy.
Swibinski said that the Vasallos will be contacted about the next step in the investigation of the matter.
Tricia Tirella may be reached at

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