Hudson Reporter Archive

North Bergen issues press release on ‘evicted vet’ issue

NORTH BERGEN AND BEYOND — The North Bergen Housing Authority issued a press release Thursday afternoon in response to a story in the media about a paralyzed veteran who was facing eviction from their public housing.
The release said:

NB Housing Authority Suspends Eviction Process and Opens New Investigation

Regarding the matter of lease violations concerning public housing tenants Sean and Page Vassallo:
“The North Bergen Housing Authority is now investigating additional information that has come forward regarding the nature of the relationship between the Vassallos and Gary Danchise … We have also determined that Danchise is a convicted drug dealer who spent 8 months in prison in 2005 on conspiracy and drug charges and that he has been arrested on drug charges on two other occasions … Because of the serious nature of this additional information, the NBHA is suspending legal proceedings against the Vasallos pending the outcome of the investigation. The North Bergen Police Department has also been contacted.”

For more on this story, see previous news items at and look for an article in this coming weekend’s edition of the North Bergen Reporter.

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