Hudson Reporter Archive

Thank you for BCN article

To the Editor:
Thank you for the wonderful feature article by Al Sullivan about the new Bayonne Women’s Club. We are very excited about this venture, and your article helped greatly in getting the word out.
Our inaugural meeting was held on Jan. 27 as planned. But due to the bad weather, many women were unable to attend. The meeting was none-the-less successful, and we had over 40 women attend. We voted to hold all future meetings on the first Thursday of the month, with the next meeting on Thursday, March 3, at 7 p.m. at the Catholic War Veterans Post, 18 West 23rd Street. New members are always welcome.
For more information, email, phone (201) 339-8803 (office of Beales Chiropractic), or Facebook “Bayonne Women’s Club.”


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