Hudson Reporter Archive

Forecast so far: No snow this week, but windy and colder Tuesday…

HUDSON COUNTY — According to Accuweather, we’re getting a “double barreled storm system” in the Northeast this week, but it will only mean snow for New England. In North Jersey, it will mean that temperatures gradually sink back under 30 as the week goes on, then rise a bit over the weekend. Rain is predicted for Monday night, and lots of wind on Tuesday.
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Accuweather notes: “A double-barreled storm system pushing into the Northeast will not bring exceptional snowfall, but it will bring slippery roads to many areas and a transition to much colder conditions. It almost felt balmy this weekend over parts of the Northeast and the Ohio Valley this weekend with temperatures rebounding into the 30s and 40s. However, that is about to change as this winter has another week of harsh conditions on the way.”

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