Hudson Reporter Archive

Police Beat

The unsocial network

On Jan. 27 at approximately 9:30 a.m., police were notified by a Hoboken man who said he received a threat on Facebook from another man he has never met. The victim said he is a “costumer” and often attends costume conventions in the tri-state area. The victim stated that he wrote on the page of one woman he never met that her costume was “really amazing.”
Later, another man wrote that if he ever saw the victim at a convention, he would probably stab him for being “a total creep.” The victim filed a complaint against the man who left the comment, but police were unable to obtain more information about the identity of the person who commented at the time of the complaint.

Alleged sex offender: ‘Can’t I just walk around the projects?’

A 28-year-old Hoboken man was arrested on Feb. 1 at approximately 10:15 p.m. and charged with defiant trespass, possession of a controlled dangerous substance suspected to be marijuana, and hindering apprehension, according to a police report.
Malcom J. Anderson was approached by police near the Hoboken Housing Authority at 321 Harrison St., and was recognized by one of the officers as a man who does not live in the complex.
After police approached the man, he allegedly said, “Can’t I just walk around the [expletive] projects?” police said.
Anderson then allegedly provided police with a fake name, “Henderson,” and said he was visiting an aunt, according to the report. Police say they learned that the woman he said he was there to visit did not live at the address provided.
Police then arrested Anderson for defiant trespass, according to the report. Police say they found marijuana in Anderson’s front pocket. Once taken into custody, Anderson stated that he had heart pains, at which time the police called the Hoboken Volunteer Ambulance Corp. to treat him. He began bleeding from the nose.
Later, police discovered that Anderson is allegedly a fugitive from justice from Pennsylvania, has multiple warrants out for his arrest in various cities in New Jersey, and is allegedly a sex offender registered in New York. At the time of the arrest, police said they could not confirm if Anderson registered in Hoboken.

‘Watch’ your things

A $3,500 watch was stolen from a man’s apartment on the 300 block of Bloomfield Street last month, according to police.
The victim said renovations are being made on the apartment below his, and construction workers have gone in and out of the building. No suspect was seen entering or exiting the victim’s apartment, but the man called police when he noticed the watch missing on Jan. 29 at approximately 1 p.m.

Five cars burglarized in three days; all missing GPS’s

On Jan. 29, at approximately 6:30 a.m., police were called on the report of a car that had been damaged and broken into on 12th Street.
Reported missing from the vehicle are Ray-Ban Sunglasses, valued at $150, Maui Jim sunglasses, valued at $300, a blackberry charger valued at $20, and a GPS valued at $150.
On Jan. 30 at approximately 10:20 p.m., police were called to the area near the corner of Ninth Street and Castle Point Terrace on a report of a male breaking into a 2009 Honda. According to the police report, the suspect fled on Ninth Street. A Global Positioning System (GPS) valued at $120 was reported missing, and an investigation is active.
On Jan. 31 at approximately 8 a.m., police were called to the scene at Sixth and Hudson streets on the report of a stolen Garmin GPS, valued at $150, from a 2004 Chevy, according to a police report.
The same day, police were called to the scene on the 600 block of Hudson Street at approximately 12:30 p.m. on the report of a burglary/theft from a 1999 green Honda Accord. A $50 GPS was stolen from the vehicle, according to police.
That night, police were called on a report of a burglary/theft at approximately 10:30 p.m. near Second and Clinton streets. An unknown person broke the window of a car and removed a GPS, valued at $170, according to police.

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