Hudson Reporter Archive

Former Hoboken Mayor Roberts responds to census numbers

HOBOKEN – Former Hoboken Mayor David Roberts released a letter on Friday morning, speaking about the recently released census numbers. Hoboken’s population jumped from 38,577 in 2000, to 50,005 in 2010.
Roberts served as mayor from 2001-2009. His tenure saw large scale growth in Hoboken, but also criticisms of the financial management of the city.
“Hoboken’s 2010 census numbers should be a point of personal pride for us,” Roberts wrote in a letter. “During my time as mayor, we put into place numerous initiatives that spurred the development Hoboken has enjoyed today.”
Roberts touched on his previous accomplishments in the letter.
“When I was elected in 2001, we created the city’s current Master Plan, where numerous projects and developments made Hoboken an attractice location,” he wrote. “We created a road map for Hoboken’s future.”
Roberts wrote that Hoboken has become a “residential alternative to New York City, a tourist attraction to many, and a nightlife destination for many of our neighboring towns.”
Roberts says with the new population size comes more opportunities for Hoboken.
“With this new population size comes new potential sources of funding and new economic opportunities for Hoboken,” Roberts wrote. “The city is posed to be the cultural, historical, social and economic epicenter of Hudson County. Hoboken needs to seize this opportunity and lead the change over the next ten years. I look forward to another ten years of incredible growth, prosperity, and sustainable living.”

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