Hudson Reporter Archive

Stack thanks Christie and PA for streets grant

Dear Editor:
Recently, my office learned that Union City would be awarded $500,000 in funding from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. This funding will be used to improve both 30th and 31st Streets from New York Avenue to Kennedy Boulevard. On listed streets, residents will be able to enjoy newly-paved roads, as well as new curbs, sidewalks and shade trees.
This funding will provide the second stage of a larger effort that began in the spring of 2010. The first stage provided new paving, curbs, sidewalks and shade trees from Pleasant Avenue to New York Avenue.
As residents know, Union City serves as a commuter hub. As a result of our proximity to New York City, our roads are constantly traveled by commuters. I am excited to be a part of this important infrastructure project that will be aimed at making roads smoother and safer for motorists. Furthermore, this endeavor will make the local area even more presentable for residents.
I wish to express my gratitude to both Governor Christie and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, who made this funding available for local residents and commuters. The maintenance of infrastructure is crucial to our region and we are grateful to have Governor Christie’s support in enhancing our local thoroughfares.
In closing, it is important to note that this project is one of many that are in store for Union City. I understand the importance of roadway maintenance and I look forward to acquiring additional funds to provide upkeep of our streets.


Brian P. Stack
Mayor, City of Union City

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