Hudson Reporter Archive

Jersey City police union ratifies contract amendment to avoid layoffs

JERSEY CITY – The Jersey City POBA ratified an amendment to the current union contract Wednesday night, according to POBA President Jerry DeCicco.
More than 500 members of the union participated in the voting, out of a total membership of 690, although DeCicco said the union had no plans to release exact totals of votes for and against the amendment.
The ratification means that 82 officers who had been slated to be laid off next month by the city will be able to keep their jobs. Layoffs had been scheduled to take place on Feb. 15.
Under an agreement negotiated earlier this month between the administration of Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy and the POBA’s executive board, union members will defer a week of pay until they retire, receive an extra day of pay when they retire, receive two additional compensation days this year, and will keep a $1,300 uniform allowance.
The Jersey City Council must still approve the agreement, which will be an amendment to the POBA’s current union contract. – E. Assata Wright

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