Hudson Reporter Archive

‘Simply Small’ art exhibition this weekend; got an arts event?

HOBOKEN AND BEYOND — Conveyor Arts in Hoboken is debuting this weekend Simply Small, an exhibition of petite photographic works. As part of their ongoing commitment to the local arts community, they have joined together with hob’art – a Hoboken based artists’ cooperative – to organize a show in their exhibition space. Simply Small showcases the work of hob’art members working in photographic based media. The theme challenges contemporary trends of large-scale prints and instead allows the viewer to engage with the work on a more intimate level.
Small Works will be on view from January 28 though 30, 2011 in the pop-up exhibition space and main gallery at Conveyor Arts. Members of hob’art will be present to discuss the work in the show.
The artists’ reception will take place on Saturday, January 29 from 6 – 8pm at Conveyor Arts.
The “Simply Small” exhibition will take place at the Conveyor Arts Gallery, 117 Grand St. second floor, Hoboken.
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