Hudson Reporter Archive

‘A wonderful library’

To the Editor:
Hudson Toastmasters is a public speaking group that was chartered in March 1993. Ever since that time, meetings have always been held at the Bayonne Free Public Library.
We would like to acknowledge the library’s kindness and cordiality for allowing us to use their facilities. The library director, Miss Sneh Bains, has always been supporting of our group, and we really appreciate it.
Also, we would like to thank Jim Bonner and Simon Taylor for having the meeting room prepared and ready for us when we arrive. It’s great to have these wonderful facilities available to us.
Thanks also go out to Elaine, Phil, Ralph, and the rest of the library staff who have helped us in any way over the years. The City of Bayonne is fortunate to have such a wonderful library available for use, and we should take advantage of the opportunities it offers us.


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