Hudson Reporter Archive

‘What clean up?’

To the Editor:
Why is Bayonne still at a stand-still when it comes to parking in the First and Third wards? Bayonne Town Center was plowed, but only at a bare minimal. Sidewalks were barely cleaned enough to walk through. I do realize we had an enormous amount of snow and if people didn’t move their cars, plowing was not easy. What happened to the City of Bayonne cleaning the streets of Bayonne? None of the corners were cleaned, and this was the same throughout the entire city. The only time I ever saw three trucks drive down my street was right before we were supposed to get snow and only received about an inch. Three trucks drove through my neighborhood and literally did nothing.
Now three weeks later, we are being threatened with another snowstorm, which could be just as bad as the first one in December, and we are still looking at mounds and mounds of snow in the streets. Ice is everywhere, and our city is doing nothing about. So where are we supposed to put that snow this week should the storm even pan out? I suggest we pile it on the grass at City Hall and when that is full, I guess we can put it on the mayor’s front lawn of his home. When that is full, we should go to the City Council’s homes and start loading them up with all the snow piles.
I could not believe my eyes when I read the paper and it said $600,000 for the clean-up? What clean up?
I drove down the parks and saw that Hudson County Park has all these ball fields. Every single one of them is as empty. Some of them had absolutely no snow on them at all, depending on how the wind blew down there. Why didn’t the mayor, Mr. Smith, order some of these people who were supposed to be removing the snow “curb to curb” to take the snow and dump it on the fields?
This was one of the worst clean up operations I have ever seen.


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