Hudson Reporter Archive

‘The ball is in your corner’

To the Editor:
Are NFL Wilson footballs made here in Ada, Ohio, and are Major League baseballs made in Costa Rica? Hopefully not, but sadly they are. This is wrong and one of the reasons why we have so much unemployment here in our own backyard.
Raise the Bayonne Bridge, open the flood gates, and most of our graduates will be wondering why we allowed all this to happen. Take a look at every item you buy in any supermarket or mall and see where it is made. Sit back and pay over $100,000 to educate your children in a private college, and then prepare yourself to support them, for where will they find work when they graduate?
Many of the workers in Costa Rica who make the baseballs are paid $1.60 an hour and wind up with shoulder injuries from the intensity of the work they do. To make more money and receive a bonus, they must do more, and that is when injuries to the shoulder take place. Ironically, the average baseball player makes $3 million a year while we exploit them and pay them peanuts.
The ball is in your corner, and time is running out.


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