Hudson Reporter Archive

Thank you for the collection

To the Editor:
Dear Mr. Virga:
We would like to extend to you our sincerest thanks for your recent collection to benefit the Food Pantry at Our Lady of the Assumption Church. Due to the poor economy, we have seen the amount of families coming to us for help in the past year grow on a monthly basis.
Right now, we are distributing over 130 bags of groceries to needy families every month! The toys that you collected were distributed to the families of our pantry on Dec. 23, and again during the Soup Kitchen held on Christmas Day. We were asked by all our patrons to extend to you their deepest thanks for all you have done to make their holidays a happy and treasured occasion this year!
Our pantry is run solely on private donations, and we would not be able to help the poor in our community without the help of wonderful patrons such as yourselves and the residents of Bayonne! Thank you once again for your generosity, and may God bless you always!

Our Lady of the Assumption Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen

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