Hudson Reporter Archive

Hoboken superintendent says: Blog entry isn’t true

HOBOKEN — Interim Superintendent of Schools Peter Carter and Board of Education President Rose Marie Markle took issue on Friday with a statement he says was made on a local blog implying an adversarial relationship between the Board of Education and the state’s charter school initiatives.
Charter schools are public schools that are usually founded by parents and educators, and receive most of their funding through the Board of Education.
They differ in that they are not bound to all the rules that regular schools must comply with, and they often don’t have to deal with teachers’ unions.

Carter sent out a letter saying:

Ladies and Gentlemen of Hoboken, our constituents:
Recently some of you may have received some written communication via your inbox or the internet service known as a blog which may have implied an adversarial relationship between the Hoboken Board of Education and the State’s charter school initiatives. Permit me and the Board to set the record straight. Nothing could be further from the truth!
We have a fine relationship with all the local charter schools, and in fact chat with their leadership on a regular and positive basis. Furthermore, we are interested, through our school leaders, of expanding our dialogue to include sharing educational data which will benefit children regardless of which school they may attend.
The Hoboken Board of Education has always been, and will always be, ready, willing, and able to embrace our charter school brothers and sisters in the education of all the children who reside in the City of Hoboken.
Rose Marie Markle, Board President
Peter E. Carter, Chief School Administrator

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