Hudson Reporter Archive

Great neighbors

To the Editor:
While I was on vacation, Bayonne was hit with a terrible snowstorm on Dec. 26, 2010. I watched news footage on CNN and began to think to myself, “What would happen or not happen with all the snow on my property with me not there to shovel it away?” I thought about it each day while I was away and began to think the worse.
I resolved that there was nothing I could do, so I stopped thinking about it and enjoyed my vacation. Upon returning to Bayonne, I got a big surprise. One or more of my great neighbors had shoveled for me, leaving nothing but a clean, dry sidewalk and porch.
I don’t know which neighbor it was, but I was grateful and I want to thank them for the monumental effort that they performed. I know it was not easy. Thank you neighbor, whoever you are!


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