Hudson Reporter Archive

WNY Commissioner Lange issued summons for allegedly leaving accident scene

WEST NEW YORK AND BEYOND — West New York Commissioner Gerald Lange allegedly left the scene of a collision in West New York the night of Dec. 30, allegedly while driving a town SUV that bumped into another car. According to a police report, the collision injured an off-duty police officer and a passenger before Lange allegedly left the scene to use the bathroom.
According to the report, Police Officer Max A. Batres Machado, driving his personal vehicle, was stopped at a light at 56th Street and Park Avenue when Lange allegedly rear-ended him with a town-owned vehicle, allegedly causing damage to the vehicle and injuries to the Machado and passenger Yesenia Glen. Upon arrival, police found Lange to be absent and issued him a summons for leaving the scene of an accident.
When questioned by police, Lange reportedly stated that he his car had gone over a speed bump and skidded into Machado’s vehicle stopped at the traffic light, and that he left the scene because he had to use the bathroom.
Paul Swibinsky, a spokesman for the town, said that the accident was at a low rate of speed and was right outside of Lange’s home. Swibinsky said the accident was a mere “bump” and that after it, Lange parked in his driveway and told the driver he was going inside to use the bathroom. When he came out, police were already there.
Swibinsky said the accident was “very minor” and that Lange “believes that either this matter’s going to be dropped, or he’s going to fight the ticket. He believes it’s a technicality. Technically when he went inside to use the bathroom and the other officers arrived.”
Batres and a passenger in the car, Yesenia Glen, were treated at Palisades Medical Center, according to
Last year, police were called when Lange was allegedly involved in a scuffle with an adult day care facility owner, Dr. Antonio Gines, for placing political signs on company vehicles supporting Dr. Felix Roque, who was leading an effort to recall West New York Mayor Silverio Vega. Neither man filed charges.
In 2007, West New York police arrested Lange, then a Hudson Country Freeholder and West New York Commissioner, on a charge of aggravated assault against his wife, a charge that was later dropped. Lange later dropped out of the special election, citing personal reasons.
Lange, an ally of Mayor Vega, has been the West New York Commissioner of Revenue and Finance since 2003, and is up for re-election this May.

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