Hudson Reporter Archive

Living up to his promise

When he ran for City Council earlier this year, Ray Greaves wanted to help bring attention to the needs and the strengths of the 3rd Ward.
Hoping to use his newly formed civic association as a tool, Greaves said he wants to make people aware of what has largely been an invisible part of the city.
“We kicked it off last week,” he said during a recent interview. “Our first public event will be a Holiday Dance at the Masonic Temple [Avenue C and 39th Street] starting at 7 p.m. There will be entertainment, a live band, good food, and a great time with lots of friendly people.”


“We will work together to meet the basic needs of our community.” – Ray Greaves

The Ray Greaves Association, Greaves said, will be a community organization where everyone’s voice will be heard.
“We will work together to meet the basic needs of our community,” Greaves said.
The long term goal is community improvement, he said, and to raise awareness of issues facing not just the 3rd Ward, but the whole city.
“Our vision is to create a healthy, compassionate, vibrant community,” he said, adding that his organization will work to provide the community with the practical tools for accomplishing this.
“We do this work by convening, engaging, mobilizing, and supporting the community, to ensure we all have the means to continue to make our town an amazing place to live,” he said.
TJ Johnston has been named president; Matt Jeff Farley, vice president; and Matt Dorans, treasurer.
“We’ve already applied for our not-for-profit status,” he said. “I believe in community involvement. During my campaign, I pledged to get people in the community involved by bringing them together to build a better 3rd Ward.”
The group has already met with principals of the three public schools in the 3rd Ward, he said, as well as people from Bayonne High School, in an effort to see what can be done to help the kids.
“We’ll be doing food drives and try to assist other charities and church organizations,” he said. “We also plan to have clean up days in the 3rd Ward.”
These projects, of course, will be determined by the board of the organization.
“I’m excited about it,” he said. “I believe it is a great opportunity.”
The association, he noted, will be dedicated to raising money to help local citizens in need, especially children, seniors, and the disabled, as well as community charities throughout Bayonne.
Anyone interested in joining or participating can contact Ray Greaves at (201) 339-3885 or by email at
Anyone interested in attending the Holiday Dance can contact the committee at (201) 320-7536.
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