Hudson Reporter Archive

A success for the Fifth Annual Golf Outing

Dear Editor:
On behalf of our Standard Bearer, Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy and the Board of Trustees of the Jerramiah T. Healy Charitable Foundation, we extend our deepest appreciation to the Paul& Phyllis Firemen Charitable Foundation, our corporate sponsor and all the sponsors, golfers and the staff at Liberty National Golf Course for making our fifth annual golf outing, held on October 18, 2010, a huge success.
The mission of the foundation, 501 C-3 non-profit organization made up of all volunteers, is to provide assistance to individuals, families and non-profit organizations located in Jersey City. Since our inception, over $550,000.00 has been distributed to individuals, families and non-profits.
Also, special thanks go to the Golf Committee Chairwoman, Maureen Hulings, and her committee members Joseph Napolitano, Mike Ryan and the Connell Foley, LLP staff for a great job!!

James K. Morley
Chairman, Jerramiah T. Healy Foundation

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