Hudson Reporter Archive

He’s the Miz and he’s awesome

The WWE finally took a chance this past week when they put the heavyweight strap around the up and coming Miz. The former “Real World Back to New York” cast member – yes, that is the same guy – has finally achieved his boyhood dream of being WWE champion. This is a daring move on the WWE’s part and one that should pay off in the long run.
There needed to be some new blood at the top of the card in the WWE, and the Miz has just the “attitude” they need. A Miz and Randy Orton feud could carry some serious weight over time. John Cena will eventually get into the mix, although the Sixshooter is hoping they leave him away from the Miz for now.
The WWE has had several opportunities to turn the Cena heel over the past several months, and there are still rumors of a possible turn. But in the end, the WWE will most likely keep Cena playing the face. The reason for this is simply merchandise sales. The WWE fears what might happen if Cena turns heel. What the WWE should do is reach back into the WCW vaults and see how well the New World Order shirts sold. Cena is ready to make the move.
TNA has been hit by the injury bug lately, causing main event storylines to be shifted around. Mr. Anderson, formerly Mr. Kennedy in the WWE, had to be put on the shelf with a serious concussion. Word backstage is that Anderson might not wrestle again until January. Anderson was scheduled to have a long feud with the new champion, Jeff Hardy.
Those plans have been put on hold until Anderson can be cleared by doctors. Stepping up to the plate has been Matt Morgan. The DNA of TNA was taken out of Ric Flair’s Fortune group rather quickly and pushed up to the top of the card. The crowd is sort of buying it, but are you? The Sixshooter is not sold on this guy yet.
Hulk Hogan has been hampered with a major back injury lately, forcing him to miss several TNA tapings. Eric Bischoff has been stepping up to the plate in his absence, but there has definitely been a void in the programming without Hogan on the show. There has also been a lack of athleticism lately. Get those X-division wrestlers out there more often!
Team 3D is no more. Brother Ray turned on his long time partner Brother Devon two weeks ago. The Sixshooter is not buying this as a good idea. TNA needs to move on from some of the older wrestlers that no longer draw ratings. Brother Ray is not main event material, and neither is Devon. So why split them up? Both will be back in tag wrestling within three months.
Kevin Nash is reportedly close to coming back to TNA. After some tumultuous negotiations, Nash has conceded on his salary demands. TNA would like to involve Nash in the Pope versus the Immortals storyline. If the Sixshooter ran TNA, Nash would not get a contract until he dyes his hair black again.
Former WCW great Dean Malenko reportedly suffered a heart attack recently. Malenko is reportedly doing well. We wish the man of 1,000 holds a speedy recovery. If you want to see something special, pop in an old Malenko versus Rey Mysterio match.
That is it for this month Sixshooter-a-holics. Make sure to check me out daily over at or over on Twitter at As the great Dean Malenko used to say, “The belt doesn’t make the wrestler, the wrestler makes the belt.”

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