Hudson Reporter Archive

Public hearing for Hoboken 9/11 Memorial on Nov. 30

HOBOKEN – The city will host a public hearing regarding the proposed 9/11 memorial and planned improvements to Pier A on Tuesday, Nov. 30, at 7 p.m. in the basement conference room of City Hall, 94 Washington St. The installation of the memorial is proposed for the north side of the pier.
The City Council voted to finalize the design at the Oct. 20 City Council meeting. The proposed memorial in Pier A Park will be oriented toward the former World Trade Center site, and will feature two symmetrical, semicircular platforms, each one and a half feet high, to be representative of the twin towers. The memorial will be completely ADA accessible.
Because of the efforts of Fire Chief Richard Blohm, the memorial will incorporate a piece of steel from the World Trade Center.
The conceptual design can be viewed
The city is hopeful that the memorial will be complete by the ten year anniversary in Sept. 2011. — Ray Smith

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