Hudson Reporter Archive

What is happening to Guttenberg?

Dear Editor:
The people in Guttenberg are wondering what is being done with all the money being received by the mayor and council. The town has received grants and state aid and the town has even raised the taxes of the people in Guttenberg but the town has not started any projects. Promises of a park, library and community center have been promised to the town for at least two years now but nothing has even been started.
Some people have reported that workers at city hall in Guttenberg have not received a raise in two years. The employees in the department of public works for the town have been lowered which has now led to a town that is not very clean.
A walk through Guttenberg will show many new homes and apartment buildings that were built recently which should have led to an increase in tax money received for the town. Five years ago a new expensive waterfront community was built but yet the town still has not shown the financial benefits of this new waterfront along with all the new homes and apartment buildings that have been built.
The story gets worse as Guttenberg has now hired a company to do a reevaluation of the properties and homes in Guttenberg. This company is costing the town about $200,000. Properties and the value of homes have decreased all across the nation so the people of the town are wondering what is going on.
Finally, the mayor and council have all given themselves a nice raise in income from the town’s money in the month of October. While people search to find one job the political leaders of Guttenberg decide to give themselves raises even though some of them already have a nice paying job along with the income from the town!!
I guess this is what people mean when they describe the term “Political Corruption.”

Jamie Witcher

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