Hudson Reporter Archive

Give thanks for your many blessings

Dear Editor:
The Thanksgiving Holiday is just around the corner, which is followed by the welcomed hectic, reaction of unlimited exuberance and warmth that brings out a multiple display of exciting blissful acts of warmth associated with the festive Christmas season.
No matter what strong convictions we are personally experiencing in our own sacred religious beliefs, it is a special occasion for reflecting on life itself, consecrating and being thankful for all the important precious personal affections, achievements, food, clothing and shelter. It is also a time to freely offer our unlimited generosity, hope, kindness, and love towards our family, friends, neighbors and even individuals or organizations we don’t even know. No one is forced to participate, but all are invited. Some will unfortunately experience unavoidable sadness in a year full of personal turmoil.
Every branch of the United States Military, including all civilian personnel, and our loyal allies must always be acknowledged in our hearts and minds. Our total appreciation towards all these brave men and women, wherever they’re stationed, at home or abroad, for their generous dedication and valor must never be relinquished.
These gallant individuals unquestionably protect our total existence as a great Nation. Their courageousness in hazardous life threatening situations is offered freely, and without total regard for their own self-preservation. Their acts of bravery are liberally administered to defend all our precious freedoms, including our exclusive preferences of religious worship, without prejudice. Their audacious, noble, heroic unending love for America and its entire citizenry must always be appreciated and never criticized.
Let us all pray that Almighty God will protect them and their loving families always, and may each and every one of them come home safe and sound. These defenders of freedom must always have the confidence and strength that America’s love, trust, and loyalty are always with them. All of America’s elite protectors of extreme magnitude, including all our veterans who fought and participated in the defense of this great Country, the United States of America must never be forgotten.
If my statements offend anyone, get a life, get over it. I am simply extending a message of good will and happiness, towards everyone, especially our military. This is my own personal message of remembrance and good will, in which I’m not imposing on anyone. You have the right and privilege to accept or reject it, but I also have the right to say and express it. Remember sensitivity and tolerance is a two way street. Your personal form of devotion is your absolute right. No one person or organization has sole ownership to that claim; it belongs to each and every American, without any form of malicious intent or bigotry. So acquire a copy of the United States Constitution. Read every article, paragraph and amendment with sincere reverence and pride. When finished, give it a big kiss and “Thank The Lord” every day, with every precious breath, that you are blessed, with the privilege, of living in our beloved free Nation, under God.

William P. Frasca
Jersey City, N.J.

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