Hudson Reporter Archive

Can Hoboken residents skip ‘Cake Boss’ line?

HOBOKEN AND BEYOND — Ever since Carlo’s City Hall Bakery on Washington Street in Hoboken became the star of the “Cake Boss” reality show 18 months ago, the lines to get in have grown to more than 90 minutes long, and Hoboken residents have been fuming about having to wait an hour and a half just to pick up a couple of cannolis. Rumors have swirled that the bakery has started allowing Hoboken residents to skip the line. But is this fact, or fiction?
Well, a little of both.
A week and a half ago, our editor stood in the line — which was 90 minutes long on a cloudy afternoon — to wait for some cannolis. She asked the security staffer if it was true Hoboken residents could skip the line.
Much to her surprise, he replied, “If you show ID.”
She did. “I thought it was just a rumor,” she added. The guard brought her to the front of the store, saying it was true. “It’s actually on the web site,” he added. “You can skip the outside line. Not the inside line.”
But at the front door, another Carlo’s employee said the rule has been suspended.
“Buddy said no one can skip,” he said. She was sent back to her original place.
So apparently, the rule was in effect at one point. Not any more.
On the website, the bakery notes: “We want your visit to the bakery to be a memorable one. Please be patient, as we have extra employees on hand to keep the line moving as efficiently as possible.”

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