Hudson Reporter Archive

To 4th Ward residents: Your vote does matter

Dear Editor:
Election Day is Nov. 2, and residents’ votes will matter. Voting is to shape our society so that you and your families can flourish. I know you believe sometimes that it does not make a difference, but I am here to tell you it does. I never thought or wanted anything to do with politics, but, regardless, I always took the time to vote. I got into politics because it is in my nature; my grandfather (Leo H. Smith) was a prominent and influential figure in the City of Hoboken, and his realistic and natural flow to helping people transcended into my blood. Being responsible and honest to the people is my divine effort to provide an excellence of sharing resources, inspiring people to reach their potential, embracing the diverse nature of our community, because our world and our future must be sustained by joining together to assist each other. Once again the 4th Ward will either become a blemishing impact or innovative. The 4th Ward should be marked to develop because of our struggling community to help the growing number of residents living here. Our ward should have a wonderful mixture of vibrant uplifts that give residents the happiness to claim and bolster a seemingly attraction, because this is our place and we deserve every opportunity to rise throughout our community. Supporting a number of listed goals should be beneficial and strategically planned by vesting the time for community development, housing, support for children and families, and services to continue implementing for safe and drug free areas, local government activities, and entrepreneurship support programs.
We simply need the willingness to restore! My hopes for the person who becomes the victor as the next 4th Ward councilperson is that he coherently reflect his perspective to initiate what voters, the people, want, demand services, create jobs, propose new programs, and make major strides to help the 4th Ward become a world-class area that the residents and visitors can enjoy. The 4th Ward must not be exploited to become abandoned with indicative promises or using a broadband source to become inconsiderate.
You as the next councilperson must be influencing in our community and throughout the City of Hoboken to provide a solid foundation for visioning and planning and showing a critical test of your commitment to support the well-being of the community and its families to clarify our perception. As the Hoboken Democratic Committeewoman, not only do I represent the 4thWard/Fourth District but I am here representing the Democratic Party and concerns of our neighbors. I am always here to help. I encourage you to take the time to vote on Nov. 2, and I encourage you to bring a neighbor, family members, and children with you to the voting booth and let us help make the necessary changes in our community. My sole purpose and desire is for you to enjoy life and be well. You can reach me at

La-Trenda Ross
Fourth Ward/Fourth District Committeewoman
Hoboken Democratic Committee 2nd Vice Chair

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