Hudson Reporter Archive

Lenz should return his health benefits bonus

Dear Editor:
I have called on Michael Lenz to return to taxpayers $4,600 in incentives he receives by opting out of the county health plan and having Hoboken taxpayers pay for his health benefits. In addition to making $24,000 as a part-time Hoboken city councilman, Michael Lenz makes approximately $70,000 at his county patronage job, but he switched to the city health benefits plan when he was appointed to the city council.
At last week’s debate, Michael refused to disclose how much he collected from this scheme. The facts are that he saves $1,000 by not having to pay for county health benefits (the required 1.5 percent of his approximate $70,000 salary), and then collects an additional $3,600 from the county’s incentive program, which provides payments to those who choose to opt out of the county health plan. (This information obtained via Open Public Records Act request from the Office Services Manager, Hudson County Personnel Division. (201)795-6255)
Michael Lenz should give this money back to taxpayers. For a man who preaches to everyone else about ethics, this is especially shady. This cynical manipulation of public benefits is a perfect example of the real Michael Lenz, the man who says one thing, and does something completely different.
I have a private sector job, and I pay into my health benefits. I’ll save taxpayers $23,000 my first day on the job by not asking them to foot the bill for my health benefits. Michael Lenz is costing taxpayers close to $115,000 in salary and benefits. On top of that, he gets to put $4,600 in his pocket. That’s not reform. That’s duplicity, and he should give that money back.

Tim Occhipinti, 4th Ward City Council candidate

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