Hudson Reporter Archive

Pride in Bayonne

To the Editor:
Dear citizens of Bayonne:
About two weeks ago, I went for a walk in Stephen Gregg Park. To my dismay, I spotted some obscene graffiti on the overpass to the 38th Street tunnel. It ruined my whole walk. I happened to see a phone number in the newspaper that same morning, asking people to report graffiti. I, of course, called the number. This evening, I decided to take another walk through the same park. I was extremely delighted to see that the graffiti had been painted over. I commend the city workers for working so quickly and diligently.
I continued my walk to the butterfly garden, in which I spotted at least six Monarch butterflies. I walked up through the 440 park, continuing back into Bayonne and saw numerous ducks in the bay and geese by the pond. It inspired me to come home and write this letter to the citizens of Bayonne.
Consider this a plea to all of the people living in our town to be a little more pro-active when it comes to keeping our city clean. We can make a greater effort to dispose of gum and litter properly, report graffiti, reduce out garbage output, and, most importantly, recycle.
Recycling can and should be done by everyone in Bayonne, including schools, churches, small and large businesses, private residences, renters, homeowners, and visitors to our town. I do not feel that this letter will solve everything or anything, but that it may inspire just one more person to do the right thing in helping to keep our town clean.


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