Hudson Reporter Archive

Improvements around town

Dear Editor:
I highly appreciate the publication of my opinion about what I see in Union City. I can honestly say that I have seen an incredible amount of progress in this town nowadays compared to what I saw in past years. Now I see clean and paved streets, planting of trees, new sidewalks, many new parks, and new schools being built. I also see immense improvement in the safety of the city due to plenty of street lights and many public parks that weren’t established in the past. Also, the Union City High School was constructed, and it turned out to be one of the best state-of-the-art schools in the country.
Nonetheless, the City Hall office moved to different parts of Union City for better access for the constituency of the citizens. These are all the initiatives of Brian Stack, the mayor of Union City. I congratulate him for all of the efforts he has done, because it’s very unusual to see this type of local government in other communities.

Placido Hernandez

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