Hudson Reporter Archive

Euthanizing adoptable dogs is a mistake

Dear Editor:
I am in need of your help. I am deeply saddened and disturbed at what is being done at the Liberty Humane Society in Jersey City. Adoptable animals are being euthanized, even though adopters are waiting to adopt them. They have made it very difficult to adopt pets. If a rescue comes to Liberty Humane to adopt and is not in Niki Dawson’s clique or Niki doesn’t like them on a personal level, she takes it out on the pets. This is a very common practice in shelters. You need to be in cahoots to rescue a pet. Rescues will tell you that you need to be very careful and move slowly; otherwise, if they get mad they will blackball you. Ultimately, one dog named Fuller was euthanized after a family wanted to adopt him. I have emails confirming that many rescues and adopters have reached Liberty Humane and Niki Dawson personally, only to be shunned or written off with no phone call back.
They have now red-carded many adoptable dogs. Red card means danger. They have about 17 dogs on the euthanasia list to be put down. Fuller, a beautiful pit that had an adoptive family waiting for him, was one of them. Their reason? He growled because he had a pig ear! Milkbone is on the euthanasia list, too. In fact, they have him on their site as highly adoptable. Must be a mistake a volunteer made?
No, it’s monitored by board member John Hanussak, who has shown no credentials or qualifications to be a board member, and is now a board member with voting abilities on finances and appropriations of money, etc. This man is not qualified in any regard, as I believe that, if he was asked about past experience or qualifications to be a board member, he would absolutely shock you by his lack of anything. I believe that the board is, and has always been, inadequate in running this facility. They have no business skill or sense, and are not capable in any situation facing Liberty Humane Society. Please help them. This is very sad and cannot continue like this. I need you, and the pets need you!


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