Hudson Reporter Archive

Hudson hospital study stalled indefinitely

HUDSON COUNTY — A state-sponsored analysis of operations at Hoboken University Medical Center, Jersey City Medical Center, and Christ Hospital aimed at recommending improvements at the facilities has been delayed because the contract for the study was awarded late and 2009 data for the study wasn’t available until last month, according to published reports quoting a spokesperson in Gov. Christopher Christie’s office.
A national consulting firm was hired by the state Health Care Facilities Financing Authority in March to conduct the study, financed with $200,000 payments from each hospital. But the June 1 deadline for the study’s completion has now been pushed back indefinitely while the firm waits for updated statistics from the hospitals.
The governor’s spokesman, Kevin Roberts, is quoted as saying once completed the report will be made public “at the appropriate time.” Meanwhile an official at JNESO, a health care union, doesn’t believe the reasons given for the study’s delay.
Jeanette Gabriel is quoted as saying she’s concerned the state is holding back the report because it’s conclusions may call for employee layoffs at the hospitals.

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