Hudson Reporter Archive

Superintendent ‘Emperor’ Epps’ no clothes

Dear Editor:
Does the Emperor have clothes? His bare appearance of failed curriculums, manipulations, denials, self-centered, egotistical, power-hungry behavior for years as Superintendent escalates the absolute atmosphere of degenerate nonsense, which unfortunately distributes swimwear to a populous left abandoned in a frigid blizzard. His hand-picked entourage, together with the bought and sold Jersey City School Board, keeps announcing his greatness and grandeur, with constant praises of his unmatched intellect, while chanting exuberant perfection to his demeanor and appearance.
Our Jersey City School Superintendent Doctor Charles Epps, “The Chosen One,” has regressed all forms of our children’s educational policies and procedures by wrapping them up with a thick chain around a block of cement, securely fastened with an anchor, while vehemently and continually dropping their hopes, dreams, aspirations, and expectations into a drowning a sea of despair.
His ideas, programs and initiatives are questionably substandard and against all logical principled theories of advanced intellect. The shameful display and results of our school system is a reflection of his ineptness, together with a school board that follows him like sheep to slaughter, sacrificing our children’s future. The board illogically believes and mindlessly accepts his inferior standards, and is either afraid or forced not to seek a new and improved competent version, hired with a suitable salary and elimination of all his outrageous undeserving benefits.
Yet, they continue to justify his high maintenance and his selfish existence by attempting to approve his contract extension using the backdoor, while our children are faced with educational cuts, consisting of, but not limited to, lack of equipment and equipment failure, safety, elimination of school trips, and basic supplies. Naturally, only the low level school employees and educators are being threatened with layoffs or job removal?
This far-fetched reality of believing that Doctor Epps is Mother Goose, Peter Pan, Tinker Bell and the Tooth Fairy all wrapped up in one, with the Lone Ranger riding on his white horse to save the day, is a childish belief in fertility.
Doctor Epps and the Jersey City Board of Education have no vision, no foresight, no pride, no dignity, and no respect towards the parents, guardians, taxpayers, and especially to all our children.
We must commend and applaud the two courageous members of the board – Vice-President Susanne Mack and Sterling Waterman – who rightfully voted against his extension.
We can only hope and pray that member Carol Lester will become more exuberant in her decisions concerning all future pertinent board endeavors, instead of abstaining. Don’t be intimidated. You were elected and accepted to an important job. Do it with pride and without interference.
The Emperor has more luxurious clothes than anyone can imagine, and so does his Royal Appointed Court. Regrettably, it’s the children that are being left academically bare and adversely denied the opportunity of having a proper, well organized, righteous education without someone using them as a stepping stone for their own personal self-serving greed. Our school district is a disgrace.

William P. Frasca
Jersey City, N.J.

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