Hudson Reporter Archive

Brian Stack is too cozy with Republicans

Dear Editor:
Over the course of the last twelve months Senator Brian Stack has developed a close relationship with New Jersey Republicans. During last year’s Night Out Against Crime, Senator Stack walked the streets of Union City introducing then-candidate Chris Christie to Union City residents. During this year’s Night Out against Crime, Stack invited and introduced two more Republicans to Union City residents. Stack has also hired the Republican law firm of State Senator Kevin O’Toole to serve as Union City labor counsel. But most importantly, Stack voted yes with the Republicans on the newly passed state budget, the same budget which cut funding to urban areas, the same budget which cut charity care to the needy, the same budget which hurt funding to immigrants, the same budget which hurt teachers, fireman, and police officers.
Rather than stand with the people who elected him to office, Stack has chosen to stand with the Republican Party whose actions have hurt the working people of New Jersey. One must question Stack’s motives for his new found friendship with Republican leadership. With redistricting looming and Hudson County facing the possibility of losing one state senate seat, Hudson County residents must ask themselves: do we want real Democrats such as Nick Sacco and Sandra Cunningham representing us, or do we want a fence sitter like Stack representing us?

P. Brennan

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