Hudson Reporter Archive

‘Why is it up to Mayor Smith?’

To the Editor:
This is in response to Lorraine Collins’ letter, “About the feral cat situation” published in the July 14 issue of the “Bayonne Community News.” You falsely accuse Mayor Smith and the City Council that they are not animal friendly. This has nothing to do with being animal friendly nor do they want to kill these animals. It goes back to radicalism. I am animal friendly, but there must be a limit one sets. I see nothing wrong with going into your back yard, and opening a can of tuna for a helpless kitten. It is safe to say I am guilty of such. But let’s not get crazy.
The proposed ordinance that was “euthanized” at the June 23 City Council meeting was to allow registered volunteers to manage a program to control Bayonne’s growing feral cat population. Now is it me or does the word “volunteer” scream out at you? If you are so concerned about these cats why don’t you catch these stray cats and have them promptly vaccinated, spayed or neutered? Why is it up to Mayor Smith and his team?
In today’s tough times, there are major issues facing our world: unrelenting poverty, hunger, war, lack of education funds, and let’s not forget the term, recession. I believe there should be a balance between being a caring individual and an extremist.


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