Hudson Reporter Archive

‘Send a loud and clear message’

To the Editor:
I note with interest that our county executive, Thomas DeGise, and local journalist David Cruz appeared recently on the WNYC radio Brian Lehrer to discuss how Hudson County has changed over the years. The program centered on the United States Census, and New Jersey University Professor Fran Moran indicated that 40 percent of our population is Hispanic. I have read reports that as per the 2000 Census, the Hispanic population in Hudson County was approximately 43 percent or higher, and I am sure when the results of the 2010 Census are published, that number could be closer to the 50 percent mark.
It is further noted that Professor Moran stated in the report that he “sees more Hispanics getting involved in politics” and that “more of the Hispanic population is empowered in Hudson County.” What amazes me is how could the political leaders in the county, especially in North Bergen where the Hispanic population is growing by leaps and bounds, deny our first Hispanic sheriff ever elected in the entire State of New Jersey his rightful place on the Democratic ballot in both the June and November elections? It must be stated with emphasis that not only is Sheriff Juan M. Perez the first Hispanic ever elected as sheriff, but his qualifications minced with his honesty and integrity are beyond reproach. It appears that some political leaders are out of touch with reality of the times and are disrespecting those voters in their towns.
Let us send a loud and clear message on Nov. 2 and re-elect Hudson County Sheriff Juan M. Perez. In doing so, you will be casting your vote to maintain ability, honesty, and integrity in the office of the highest elected law enforcement official in the county, the sheriff.


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