Hudson Reporter Archive

Former JC deputy mayor to report to jail Monday, unless judge grants request

JERSEY CITY AND BEYOND – Former Jersey City Mayor Leona Beldini will have to report to a Texas prison on Monday unless a federal judge allows her to remain free on bail, according to a newspaper report.
Beldini and her attorney, Brian Neary, appeared in front of U.S. District Judge Jose Linares on Tuesday to request that she remain free on $100,000 bail pending appeal of her conviction.
Beldini was one of the 43 people arrested July of last year in the federal corruption and money laundering sting that brought down both official and religious leaders across New Jersey. She was convicted in February on bribery charges pertaining to her accepting $20,000 in illegal campaign contributions from government informant Solomon Dwek for Mayor Jerramiah Healy’s 2009 reelection campaign.
Judge Linares said in federal court that he would consider the request and make a ruling before she reports on Monday, or he will delay her prison report date. – RK

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