Hudson Reporter Archive

Police: alleged shoplifter spread blood on walls

North Bergen

Man allegedly attacked cops, himself

North Bergen Police arrested Justin Forlorn, 27, of Liberty Avenue for shoplifting, but they say the suspect became enraged, allegedly hurting himself and spreading his own blood at police headquarters.
According to Commander of the Detective Bureau Lt. Frank Cannella, Forlorn was allegedly attempting to conceal a sandwich and container of potato salad before attempting to leave ShopRite at Columbia Park on July 18 around 8:15 p.m. Store security notified police of the alleged shoplifting before attempting to ask Forlorn to go back into the store.
Cannella said that when police arrived, they witnessed Forlorn allegedly “strike” a store security officer. Police attempted to intervene, but Forlorn allegedly hit the officer in the chest with his elbow. Forlorn allegedly refused to put his hands behind his back and police were only able to handcuff one hand, before eventually restraining him and bringing him to headquarters.
When he arrived, Forlorn allegedly began to punch the walls in the processing room.


“He was on the floor, banging his head on the floor.” – Frank Cannella

“Officers grabbed his arms to prevent him from causing any more from injuries to himself, [and] while lunging forward, he fell to the floor,” said Cannella. “He was on the floor, banging his head on the floor, while [allegedly] saying he was going to knock himself unconscious and blame it on the cops. We were able to restrain him and actually placed some type of pillow type item under his head so he wouldn’t bang it anymore.”
However, while the officers were processing him, he allegedly ripped out the stitches on a large, deep cut on his index finger and began to allegedly wipe the blood all over the walls, police said. He also injured his right hand.
After processing him, Forlorn was sent to Palisades Medical Center for a psychiatric evaluation and medical treatment. He was released on July 19 and transferred to Hudson County Jail.
He was charged with robbery, aggravated assault to an officer, resisting arrest, and criminal mischief. His bail was set at $25,000 with no bail bond option by Judge Nino Falcone.

Alleged thefts at fitness center

According to Cannella, a recent theft at at local fitness center in the Columbia Park Mall is a part of a larger trend.
On July 20 police were contacted by a 25-year-old victim who said he had been working out from 8 to 10 p.m. When he arrived back at his locker, it had been broken into and his wallet, which contained $300 cash, his license and his credit cards, had been taken.
According to the police report, the victim notified employees, who allegdly stated to him that “…the camera isn’t working.”
“We are well aware that [the fitness center] has been the target of thieves breaking into their lockers for several years,” said Cannella.
Cannella said that in the past, police had discussed tactics that they could employ, but they never followed through with them. Police believe the center has an internal security issue.
He said that this year, there was only one other theft reported in March, in which a male victim’s wallet was stolen from a locker. However, in 2009, there were well over 20 theft reports made to police.
“The North Bergen Police Department is advising people that when they go to work out, whether [there] or any other place, to not bring any valuables whatsoever, and if they can keep their valuables on them, they should do so,” said Cannella.
Canella said that this also includes car keys.

Allegedly tried to pass as a teen

Fahtemah Smith, 20, was arrested on July 21 at 9:45 p.m. after police learned that she was not a juvenile, as she had told them when she had been arrested for shoplifting in April. According to Cannella, on April 16 police responded to Walmart on 88th Street on a report that two 17-year-old females had attempted to shoplift about $481 worth of merchandise from the store.
The pair was fingerprinted and processed and released to their families.
Smith, who said her name was Kanisha Murphy, was driven by the police to her Jersey City home after she told them no one was able to get her. There, a family member signed for her release.
Recently police received a notification from the Automated Fingerprint Identification System that identified “Murphy” as Smith, a 20-year-old female.
Officers allowed Smith to contact her two children’s father, who took custody of them before police arrested her and brought her to headquarters.
She was charged with shoplifting and hindering apprehension. Smith’s bail was set at $5,000, with no bail bond option, by Judge Nino Falcone, before she was transferred to Hudson County Jail.
Tricia Tirella may be reached at

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