Hudson Reporter Archive

Shame on you, Bayonne

Shame on you, Bayonne

To the Editor:
I feel responsible for helping vote some of this board into office. I did not know its intent. I cannot stand by and have innocent feral cats’ blood on my hands. Don’t preach tolerance to everyone if this “team” has none of its own!
There is no one left on the board to challenge issues any longer, so now, it’s up to the people. When the people of Bayonne voted you in, we did so in hopes of bringing back our City of Bayonne. We didn’t do it to feed egos and most certainly not give you the right to play God!
Don’t insult our intelligence by saying that you want to “trap and humanly euthanize” the feral cat population. Don’t sugar coat it. Say that you will trap and put these homeless, helpless, hopeless animals to death. You will kill them!
I was raised to help the less fortunate regardless of the fact that they can’t generate revenue for this city. I find it hard to believe that you can build an entire peninsula area with malls, theaters, cruise ports, shopping, a golf course (that no one in this town can afford to play on), buildings, etc., but can’t seem to stick up four walls on a piece of land for a small shelter! So what? Find another piece of land for it! It’s been too long overdue. Cut the red tape already! This is important to some people. You’ll see that at the July 28 City Hall meeting at 7p.m. on Wednesday.
TNR is proven to work just ask the right people who have knowledge about this program. They won’t tell you what you want to hear. They will, however, tell you the truth. Teach by example. People are willing to work with the city. Give them a chance!
You say these cats hunt and kill birds and wildlife for food, yet you’re quick to take the word of those who hunt and kill for sport and recreation. We, the people, are not willing to justify your cause to kill!
We respectively disagree with your quick and easy fix. It sickens me that you want to kill these animals. Unfortunately, Bayonne has fallen prey to the same desensitization as the rest of society. This is bigger than just one person.
As for me and my vote for next election, I may just have to “humanly euthanize” that too. I am not an animal activist, but am human and will stand up for what I believe.


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