Hudson Reporter Archive

Hoboken guys claim alleged ‘Russian spies’ used to yell at them about noise

HOBOKEN AND BEYOND — A group of male roommates who used to live together in an apartment on Clinton Street in Hoboken say that when alleged Russian spies Richard and Cynthia Murphy lived downstairs, Richard used to complain about their noise.
Finally, according to one of the four guys — quoted Saturday in the New York Post — the roomies fought back by telling Richard they were going to complain to the police about him. They say he and his family moved out a week later.
The Post reports:
“From the start, Josh said, Richard and Cynthia Murphy complained when the men had guests over, or even when the men were just walking around their apartment’s hardwood floors at night. ‘They would tell us we walk too much, make too much noise,’ said another of the men, who did not want his name used.”
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