Hudson Reporter Archive

Rep. Sires’ policies are hampering, not helping, small business

Dear Editor:
This is in response to the Hoboken Reporter article dated June 13, 2010, “Sires talks economic stimulus, Revived Hoboken Chamber of Commerce hosts event.” First, I would like to compliment the Hoboken Chamber of Commerce for taking an active role in the business community and I commend Mr. Sires for taking time from his busy schedule to address the Hoboken Chamber. One of the many issues I have regarding Mr. Sires’s comments at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon is his assertion that one of his legislative priorities has been small business.
Mr. Sires’ congressional voting record clearly does not support his statement. His voting record shows that he either does not understand what will help small business during this economic downturn, or he is more interested in supporting the Democratic Party line even though the party line initiatives have not helped produce positive economic results for our district. It is clear New Jersey small business has not been a priority for Mr. Sires or this Congress.
Any attempt Mr. Sires and this Congress has made to rebuild our economy, create jobs, or invest in small business, appears to have failed. According to Labor Department Statistics, first time jobless claims hit 472,000, last week a jump of 12,000 over the previous week. Economists say this indicates that meager private sector job creation is still a problem. His small business initiatives, professed tax cuts, economic stimulus package and healthcare reform are some of the reasons our economy has not yet recovered.
Mr. Sires believes Washington is the key to rebuilding our economy. I believe Mr. Sires and the job killing policies he’s voted for are responsible for the steep decline in our economy. Congressmen Sires has raised our taxes; over regulated our businesses, stood in the way of real job creation and any potential rebound in private sector growth.
Government jobs do not expand an economy; the private sector is the economic engine best suited for the purpose. Every dollar we send to Washington is one less dollar in the hands of small businesses working to sustain growth and produce good paying jobs for working men and women in the 13th district.
I encourage voters to review Mr. Sires’ voting record and, in particular, learn how his policies are actually hampering, not helping, small business.
As I campaign over the next few months, I look forward to meeting with business owners and the hardworking people of New Jersey’s 13th Congressional District.

Henrietta Dwyer
Republican Nominee
NJ 13th Congressional District

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