Hudson Reporter Archive

Sen. Stack disagrees with Arizona immigration law

Dear Editor:
I am writing to express my strong opposition to the recently-adopted immigration policy which has been enacted in the State of Arizona, requiring law enforcement agents to question someone if there’s “reason” to suspect they’re illegally in the United States. Of course, this leaves much discretion to law enforcement agents, adding complexity to the enforcement process. Furthermore, the intention of the law is heinous and violates basic principles which should be afforded to every human being.
To subject someone to questioning based on their appearance, speech, demeanor or ethnicity is completely shortsighted. It was my hope that as a nation we had advanced beyond practices that segregate populations and strip human beings of pride and decency.
Furthermore, this new law will be extremely divisive, as it is clear that not all law enforcement members are supportive of this measure. This law is sure to breed emotional reactions and such outcry is justified. However, it is ridiculous to ask members of the law enforcement communities, many of whom are minorities, to enforce such a law.
As mayor and Senator of a city and district, respectively, which both have so many residents of minority status, it is my duty to ensure that such law never makes its way to New Jersey. I simply cannot allow the infringement of rights upon hard-working New Jerseyans who contribute to culture and the local way of life. It is my hope that Americans treat the implementation of the Arizona policy as a lesson that reminds us that we must be diligent in combating outdated modes of thought.

Brian P. Stack
State Senator and Mayor

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