Hudson Reporter Archive

Quality of life in Hoboken

Dear Editor:
The “QUALITY OF LIFE IN HOBOKEN” is still an issue. We have lived here for over 20 years and the drunks who come to revel in Hoboken are still in charge. Every weekend we are subject to late night and early morning screaming, profanity, screeching tires and downright deliberate vandalism. This Saturday morning we had a large pot of flowers taken from our garden and smashed on our sidewalk. This Sunday one of the weekend drunks PUKED in our garden deliberately. Every weekend brings another violation of our rights to a peaceful existence. When will our Mayor and Council act to stop this hooliganism. We, the taxpayers, get nothing, zero, zip, nada from these buffoons. Is the governing body of this town indebted to the bar owners or are they simply afraid of them. Twenty years of this affront to the citizens of Hoboken is too long. If the elected people cannot and will not act; it is time to replace all of them.

Gene Deveney

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