Hudson Reporter Archive

Zimmer’s embrace of Christie betrays Hoboken’s values and principles

Dear Editor:
As a resident of Hoboken, I was disappointed that Mayor Zimmer chose to give Republican Governor Chris Christie a forum to promote his agenda. This demonstrates Mayor Zimmer’s disconnect with the people she has been elected to represent.
The City of Hoboken has proud Democratic tradition. It is disheartening to see Mayor Zimmer allow our town to be used to forward a governor’s policies which hurt our city. Those who elected her feel betrayed by Mayor Zimmer’s invitation-only pep rally for Governor Christie.
Hoboken’s residents can be assured of one thing – Governor Christie’s policies have already and will continue to hurt our city. Cuts in state aid, increased regulation, and looming increases in local taxes have become the norm under Governor Christie’s administration and we should only expect the like from Mayor Zimmer.
Hoboken deserves a leader that reflects the values and principles of its residents. If Monday’s event is any indication, Hoboken is heading for uncertain times under Mayor Zimmer’s direction. Hoboken deserves better; its residents deserve better.


Tim Occhipinti

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