Hudson Reporter Archive

Pat Belenski: ‘I do not like being lied to’

Dear Editor:
To All Parents and Teachers,
I am writing this letter to apologize to those who voted yes for the school budget in the recent school board election. I urged all to pass this budget to ensure our children’s future. We were told if the budget did not pass teachers would lose their jobs and curriculum changes would be made. Well, we passed the budget and teachers are being laid off and curriculum has been changed. I do not like being lied to and I am sure you do not either.
Our Superintendent and Board made these cuts after the budget was passed. This is unacceptable. They have destroyed public trust by making these cuts after the budget was passed. For months many attempts have been made to work cooperatively and congenially with the superintendent and board members in order to resolve issues and address concerns for the betterment of the school. Yet we have been met with nothing but staunch resistance and relentless retaliations to the staff for their efforts. When the morale of our school has declined so badly and our student’s futures jeopardized, we must take a stand.
This week’s events have created chaos in the school district and prove we have an administration that lacks leadership, displays conduct unbecoming of professional educators, has the inability to work cooperatively with staff and students and very little educational foresight.
I think it is time that the school board stops rubber stamping the Superintendent’s agenda. Twenty two people are retiring from our school district; there is no need to terminate our teachers. Yet we did find the money to extend our Technology Directors contract until July and repost his position when we were told it would not be reposted.
In order for our children to succeed in school we must have an administration that recognizes the importance of honest communication and creating nurturing relationships with students, staff and the community. These are the essentials of strong leadership needed in our school system. Our current administration lacks these skills.
I am urging everyone in our community, parents, teachers and students to attend the Board of Education Meeting on May 27 at Huber Street School. It is imperative we stand together for the sake of our children’s education to make sure this administration is aware that we will not tolerate blatant disregard for the care and education of the students of the Secaucus School district. We must also remind them that it is parent’s tax dollars that fund the district.

Pat Belenski

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