Hudson Reporter Archive

George Bush is not Chris Christie’s mentor

Dear Editor:
In Al Sullivan’s column item, “Christie takes over the high court”, Sullivan is again asserting that George Bush is Gov. Christie’s “mentor”. A mentor is defined by Webster’s dictionary as a “trusted counselor or guide”, “tutor” or “coach”. Have the two men met long enough for Bush to implant the control chip Sullivan envisions in Christie’s skull? Have they even met each other? Does Bush have the capacity to remotely orchestrate Christie’s bold policy initiatives from afar? Where are the puppet strings, Al? Bush-Christie tethering certainly did not work for Corzine’s feckless reelection campaign. Christie’s exercise of his constitutional right and obligation to appoint justices to vacant positions on New Jersey’s Supreme Court is no different than the present POTUS contemporaneously doing the same at the federal level. The dogmatic and procedurally questionable obstruction of Christie’s exercise of this responsibility by Trenton Democrats described by Sullivan makes Republican vetting of Sotomayor and Kagan seem a comparative love-fest.

Daniel Cillie

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