Hudson Reporter Archive

Jersey City is in an uncontrollable tailspin

Dear Editor:
Hickory dickory dock, Mayor Healy lost his sock, he looked under the bed; hit his head, when he woke up, he found Jersey City was still in the red.
Sometimes a nursery rhyme full of gibberish is the perfect scenario that could only describe this hallucinating atmosphere of incompetence called the City of Jersey City. Sometimes only a good cold slap of reality could bring a person back to their senses, realizing that enough is enough, and being used as a whipping post isn’t a daily standard operational procedure for the privilege of living in this political cesspool of corruption.
Once again, the brilliant solution prescribed by the leadership is increased taxation, during one of the biggest freefalls in our economy since the Great Depression. Jersey City officials have the uncanny mentality of robbing Peter and robbing Peter and robbing Peter and robbing Peter, to pay and protect the highest salaried conglomerates of thievery, nepotism, bribery, dishonesty, fraud and sleaze.
This new proposal enacted by the Mayor and Council, isn’t new at all, in fact approximate twenty years ago we went through this same despicable process of property re-evaluation. This process was extremely tainted with the assessing company performing an incomplete, unfair evaluation on each residence.
They would appraise one home, and then used those same calculations without performing any additional inspections, in determining a so-called fair, accurate and correct value on the rest of the area. This not only increased time consuming appeals and wasteful public and private expenditures but it also produced a heavy burden on the homeowners, taxpayers and renters, bringing a mass exodus of individuals whose families lived here for generations, left because they couldn’t afford the exorbitant tax rate.
Wouldn’t it be an hilarious situation of bungling to the extreme, if the areas which the Mayor and the City Council are targeting to balance the municipal budget are assessed far less than the projected anticipation, and the privileged residential units, companies and businesses that were given lucrative abatements were assessed at a higher rate?
Don’t laugh, with today’s high foreclosures, empty abandoned homes, tax cheats, lack of tenants, while the property values are decreasing rapidly, eliminating equity in almost every Ward of the City. The most valued is the Gold Cast where most abatements were implemented and offered. Who would be left to unmercifully pay the bills of a fraudulent Administration?
The City of Jersey City is in an uncontrollable tailspin. Unfortunately we elected the wrong individuals to navigate us out of this dilemma, because they were the ones, who unscrupulously condemned and sentenced us to this purgatory existence.
Will there ever be a special election initiated in Ward B, for sentenced Ex-Councilman Phil Kenny’s position? How could we allow an Administration full of corruption, to have the complete arrogance and audacity to hand pick their own puppet indefinitely while circumventing the wishes, duties and rights of the electorate. Are we totally backwards to accept this abomination?

William P. Frasca
Jersey City

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