Hudson Reporter Archive

If the fire truck doesn’t fit, we must acquit!

Dear Editor:
In a News Brief published in a recent edition of the Secaucus Reporter it was reported that a resident of Xchange at Secaucus Junction was angered to learn those residents were credited with buying a new fire truck for Secaucus at a cost of $29,000.
This Brief clarified the issue that the truck had been purchased by the developer of Xchange at Secaucus Junction. That answer might be monetarily satisfactory to those residents of the attractive new development. After reading the explanation of the need for such a new fire truck, I can’t help but think of a question that might be of a far greater consequence to the residents of Xchange. Is my life in danger?
In the afore-mentioned News Brief it was reported that Councilman and Fire Department liaison Jim Clancy said “the residents of Exchange” had put up the money to buy a small fire truck that can better navigate the narrow streets within their housing development.
Looking back to an article which had appeared in a previous edition of this news periodical, the suspect article, which initially angered the above noted resident, it was stated, I believe, that there was a concern for the inability of the current fleet of Secaucus Fire Department trucks to enter the area in which they would be required to enter in the event of a fire.
How then is it even possible that plans were approved for the construction of such a large and mainly wood frame constructed housing facility in Secaucus in which most or all current fire trucks can not access the development, thereby endangering the safety and lives of those residents?
I would Xpect that Xchange at Secaucus residents would be far more concerned for their safety than a few dollars which they might have donated without their foreknowledge or consent. If such a situation is so Xtreme so as to jeopardize the lives of those residents they might want to consider becoming X-residents of Xchange.
If “ALL” of Secaucus Fire Department as well as “ALL” fire trucks from surrounding communities cannot access the entire internal roadway system of that new construction, then the residents of Xchange at Secaucus Junction had better be prepared for rapid departure and don’t forget to stock up on marshmallows!

Michael Seyfried

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