Hudson Reporter Archive

Double parking

Dear Editor:
I have lived in Hoboken since the end of 2006 and have noticed a dangerous pattern. I live near the corner of 5th and Adams. It is not uncommon for people to double park on Adams, which makes it very difficult for drivers and pedestrians to see if there is any traffic traveling north bound before crossing Adams. I have often called to report this and the police have responded promptly and gotten the violators to move along. The pattern I have observed is while they temporary fix the problem, the double parkers are back in very little time. There is no motive for them to obey the law, because I have never seen anyone get a ticket for double parking.
I would like to suggest that tickets be issued, to encourage the rules be followed. While this pattern of not issuing tickets does not represent explicit permission to violate the law, I feel some people take it to be implicit permission. This was the letter I sent via e-mail to Police Chief Anthony Falco and the Director of Transportation and Parking Ian Sacs.

Carol Harrison

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