Hudson Reporter Archive

Why won’t Stack debate UC’s important issues?

Dear Editor:
Recently this newspaper ran an article whereby the current mayor of Union City emphatically stated he had no interest whatsoever in participating in a debate over the various issues facing our community alongside his opponent Frank Scarafile.
This is after nearly a decade of gliding over pressing issues at our over 15% unemployment rate, a local property tax rate that continues to leapfrog toward the stratosphere, and an extreme reality in our community whereby it is common place to wait to around 45 minutes to have our local police department respond to a service call.
These are serious issues facing the future of Union City. They absolutely deserve a full and complete hearing for all concerned citizens of our community to participate in. This can’t happen when all one candidate for mayor of Union City is willing to do is continue to send out glossy and expensive notices which announce performances and activities instead of providing useful information to an economically challenged family on where to receive daily needed food items in order to avoid sending a child to bed while hungry.
We can do better. This is our chance. Please join me on Tuesday, May 11, 2010 and elect the entire Vision 4 Union City ticket on Column A from top to bottom.
Then we can all begin the journey for our great city of Union City to finally have honest and efficient government for all if we continue to move along the 21 century.

Tom Regan

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