Hudson Reporter Archive

Support O’Keefe for School Board

Dear Editor:
We are writing this letter in support of School Board Candidate Francis O’Keefe. We have known Francis for over ten years as a colleague, friend and neighbor. In our opinion, Francis is a trustworthy, conscientious young man who will enthusiastically serve the students and families of Secaucus. His educational and legislative expertise will enable Francis to bring new life and energy to our school district while maintaining the integrity of our growing school system.
The School Board Election will be held on Tuesday, April 20, 2010. As public educators for forty years and residents of Secaucus for thirty years, we respectfully urge you to Vote 4A for Francis O’Keefe for Secaucus Board of Education. We earnestly believe Francis is more than capable and knowledgeable to accept the challenges of this position and truly create a brighter future for our children.

Linda and Thomas Fitzgibbons

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