Hudson Reporter Archive

Election time

Dear Editor:
Well the fine residents get another chance to prove to the representatives of this fine city, Jersey City, that there are concerned people that will exercise the most powerful event they have as American Citizens, “The Right to Vote.” It seems whenever we turn around it’s Political season for one thing or another. Now in a few days we will be voting for our Board Of Education, School Board, it’s so funny that they want politics taking away from the school system yet we must vote on people to lead a budget twice the size of the City Budget, over six hundred million, YIKES!
There are sixteen well respected individuals from all assets of the community, activists, retired school teachers, restaurant owners, activists, PTA presidents, etc. , etc., etc., we “need change” most definitely, and it’s up to the public to show more than the average ten plus percent of voters that come out for the School Board Elections, that we want a change. We will have the choice to vote for 3 out of 16, and also to vote on the school budget.
Remember how important this is to our children. If you’re a parent with children in our schools please make it a point to exercise the most powerful thing you have as a citizen ” Vote” on April 20, polls are open from 2 PM to 9 PM. (These hours are another story to deal with, people are afraid to come out at night, so why are they open so late with the poor safety of the residents in Jersey City, a major issue these days, so vote early not often).

Richard J. McCormack
(Ward B Activist)

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